It's a strange
thing, a constitution.
Over here the
constitution is a mallet from Madrid, bashing in the heads of anyone who dares
to suggest that the Catalans might be allowed to vote for independence. And
this week in Westminster, constitutional rules are passed after a three hour
debate which consigns Scottish MPs and all their voters to the dustbin. An EVEL
way to treat constitutional government.
I will leave it to
my honourable friend the
Lallands Peat Worrier to pronounce a legal opinion on
EVEL. But one cannot help but be amazed at just how out of touch the Tories and
Spain's right of centre ruling Partido Popular are in their respective
For the last three
years more than a million people have taken to the streets and coastline of
Catalonia to protest against Madrid's continuous dismissal of Catalan opinions.
Opinions expressed calmly and politely in the voting booth. Madrid has used the
machinery of the state to dismiss decisions taken in the Catalan Parliament,
the Generalitat, and then to threaten its politicians in the Constitutional
court. Last week, Madrid passed legislation specifically designed to ban from
office politicians and civil servants who defy their kangaroo courts.
The Prime Minister
announced the day after 45% of the people of Scotland had voted for
independence that they should forthwith be punished by becoming second class
citizens under EVEL. In "
Project Fear", Joe Pike makes the unlikely
claim that this was the only time that Alastair Darling swore during the Referendum
campaign. Cameron's announcement was driven by the same strategy as that of the
Partido Popular; knock back the lefty nationalists, refuse them, and they will
go back into their holes in the hills.
Tories and PP are
out of touch. Westminster has no political interest in Scotland because it is
focused exclusively on the interests of Chipping Norton and the City. The
Bullingdon Club boys have no idea of what life is like for the
"ordinary hardworking families" of their fetish phrase; they have
never experienced life in an "ordinary hardworking family" because
daddy was something in the City and paid for first Eton and then Oxbridge. In
Madrid the Partido Popular have the imperial view of three hundred years ago
when the city was capital of everything from the Caribbean to Tierra del Fuego and of
all the seas to El Peñon.
Only a truly out of
touch party could dream up EVEL, the Bedroom Tax and the tax credit cut. So out
of touch that they will leave the poor (who did not go to Eton and Oxbridge) to
starve and beg at foodbanks so long as they can carry on claiming their expenses
and flipping their multiple homes.
But this type of
constitutional rot cannot go on forever. Eventually, in Catalonia and in
Scotland, the people will decide to overturn their Imperial Masters and build
their own countries, with their own constitutions. Constitutions that we can
respect, that protect the weak and that limit the powerful. Constitutions that
cannot be dismissed in a three hour debate or a kangaroo court. Constitutions
for us.